officially a member of the public library in town.
i'm excited to rekindle this lost love of mine. used to have a book with me wherever i go but the habit stopped. maybe because of the changes in work load? i'm not sure why.
years ago, i was also a member of the perpustakaan tun razak in ipoh, the selangor public library in banting and also the perpustakaan negeri sabah cawangan kudat. it is like a family tradition. one that i practiced until i started working. thank you mak abah!

btw, once i had a crush on a librarian in the ipoh library. i was a pudgy-faced, baggy-clothed and tudung senget girl. ada hati nak crush kat abang librarian.
tup tup ehhh...kahwin dengan librarian.
excuse me while i escape. maybe later i'll find the time to write book reviews via my blog.