Saturday, August 1, 2015

.my first frozen embryo transfer.


3rd march was the day.
we arrived at HUKM when it was still dark.
the big sliding doors of the hospital were not yet opened.
i sat by the door,
fidgeting and smiling awkwardly.

there were three of us who were going for FET with the same doctor/gynae. the others were there for ovum pick-up procedure. even though we were early, i was not the first patient to be called into the operating room. as we waited, everyone started to share their personal experiences. once again, i felt that my predicament was not as tough as what they had endured. i kept having the same thought that morning, "these are strong women!"

when it was my turn, ejal was called up to stand by the door of the operating room because his presence was needed before the procedure started. he was to observe which embryos were chosen and how many were thawed. remember i said i had 35 eggs? turned out, only 28 were successfully froze. 6 were thawed for this procedure.

the procedure was not painful. a slight discomfort was felt though, when the speculum was inserted, with a full bladder at that! anesthesia was not given thus i was fully aware of what was happening. the awkwardness of having strangers around you intensified when you had your legs apart and put into stirrups. just had to brace myself. fuh!

from six eggs, only three had the highest survival rate. however, in the end, the doctor only chose two eggs to be transferred into my uterus. i got to observe my eggs floated from the needle to the wall of my uterus.

.my eggs. babies-to-be. so small.

that's done.
it was time to lie down in the waiting room
and rest for 3 weeks at home.

to be continued....
thank you for reading!


Anonymous said...

Tak sabar nak tahu kisah selanjutnya.. sy Yati patient IVF HRPB jgk.. ntah2 kita penah bersua muka kt klinik.. ☺

syitah said...

hello yati,

mungkin pernah :)
thank you for visiting!