Monday, August 5, 2019

.doubt or regret?.

assalamualaikum readers!

do you have doubts?

that's a silly question.

everyone doubts.
about something.
or someone.

sometimes, it keeps you awake at night.
or pauses you in mid-sentence.
it makes you wonder
whether the decisions you made were right or wrong.
whether you should get up
and finish folding that laundry.
or maybe you should
or should not say what you meant to say.

still with me?

these doubts will come
and they will heighten your senses.
they love to come in the dark of the night
and when the neighbourhood is almost silent.
when your partner is snoring.
when the stray dogs occasionally bark
at something you can't see.

your heart is racing.
your eyes hurt
from squinting them shut,
desperate to welcome sleep
but your mind is whirring
with images of the past.
or maybe expectations of the future?

i saw that list.
it was clear as day
but no one commented on it.
maybe i dreamt it?

i don't think i can reassure you
if you decided to ask me about it.
i will fail at that part
but i will not waver.

i will sleep now.
the doubts will come back.
visiting again tomorrow
and the day after that.
and the next.

thank you for reading!

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