Saturday, February 1, 2020

.the joy of being alone.

assalamualaikum everyone!

remember years ago i said that i don’t and won’t write about people because i hate the politics of it all? i can’t run from that in real life so i try avoiding it all in this small space where i can share and cut loose with all of you readers, where we can talk about quirkiness, memories and experiences that warmth the hearts, smarten up the way of thinking (hopefully), it working as an outlet of escapism.

aren’t you just tired reading about people?
talking about people.
spending time with people.

i like being alone. i wish i could do everything alone but that is wishful thinking. i enjoy the quiet so i can work while listening to music on my favourite radio channel using headphones. i can’t stand the noise, the gossips, the chatter on topics that evidently can be done more discreetly.

.alone but not lonely.

maybe i have misophonia?

i cherish the quiet so i can savour my food in a place that i chose. i hate the indecisiveness of others and waiting for them to decide on where or what to eat.

i admit sometimes i do need human interaction. hence, the blog or the facebook where i can still connect with people but there is a limit to it. does this make me an anal retentive? a control freak? the need to control everything just the way i want it and get nasty when it doesn’t. oh yes, i do get terribly unpleasant. i’m not a good company when this occurs.

writing about this makes me wonder why i enjoy being alone thus i read more on it. you can read about it here and here. apparently, being alone helps us to reflect and recharge, mentally and physically, so that we will enjoy our relationship better. there are pros and cons of it and many articles and researches that validate this matter. go ahead and read on.

i believe having good soft skills and interpersonal intelligence help to ease this irksome matter. surely people who have great adaptability can be more tolerant and have positive acceptance. i’m pretty sure my strength is in kinaesthetic and linguistic intelligences. being in this profession, evidently i have dealt with many people and i am truly comfortable with it. however, for example, if i can avoid a call, i will.

after a mentally tiring day,
what are 3 things that you look forward to?
mine would be,
in no particular order…
good food,
lazing on my bed and
a chat with my husband.

this "confession" doesn’t mean i abhor small talks, working in a group or family gatherings. it doesn't mean that i don't want to be invited to weddings or parties. it simply means, i need to be alone sometimes. maybe you should try it too.

.quote from here.

to more great moments,

thank you for reading!

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